1. Google cloud slashed its revenue share from 20 % to 3%
Being the third-largest global cloud service provider, Google has come with an attempt to increase competitiveness in order to attract software makers on Google Cloud. Read more to know the full story The hindu
2. Microsoft Grants Azure credits to Open Source projects
Microsoft has announced a new program of granting Azure credits to open source projects. Through this, it will help them with their testing, builds, and other development work. To read the full story, click here.
3. Microsoft to tap into 17 health systems through the Truveta deal
Truveta is a young yet powerful startup and has chosen Azure as its exclusive cloud partner. They have got into a strategic partnership, check out how this deal is going to be profitable for both of them at Emarketer
4. Never take cloud security for granted! Recent Azure cloud vulnerabilities are the proof.
News – We can’t deny the cloud benefits but at the same time can’t ignore the threat it may cause. Check out the vulnerabilities in Azure’s Cosmos database and Linux VM that show why cybersecurity must be on our radar 24/7. Channel Asia