Drone Technology – a Rising Threat to Cybersecurity

The illegal usage of drones has become a squeezing security worry across the world. Cybercriminals and other activists are embracing drone innovation and growing newly refined manners to perpetrate wrongdoing and psychological oppression. The utilization of drones for hostile reconnaissance, combined with their adaption to carry Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs), has flagged the rebel drone danger landscape and has become more aggressive.

Drones outfitted with unique hardware and software may likewise be utilized to introduce noxious malware on frameworks or upset framework’s activities, especially gadgets that are vulnerable to wireless protocols like Bluetooth.

To commit digital interruptions, cybercriminals may park drones on the top of a structure or other disguised area, including those that are in encased regions, generally beyond reach on foot and vehicle traffic which depicts many defense area establishments. Customary safety efforts including all actual insurance and biometric section frameworks are futile against drone-based network assaults. Let’s talk more about drone security, countering drones, cybersecurity issues with drones, how a cybersecurity firm in London can help, and so forth.

Evolution of drone usage

The utilization of drones as rogue Wi-Fi access might be perhaps the simplest yet viable strategy for targeting people. Cyber research experts at Booz Allen Hamilton propose that drones outfitted with a gadget like a Wi-Fi Pineapple can be set in proximity to target premises and be utilized to collect credentials, perform man-in-the-middle assaults, and lead network surveillance. Indeed, even users connected legitimately with the organization might be compelled to interface with the drone’s Wi-Fi if the target organization’s network doesn’t forestall constrained de-confirmations.

This threat is additionally enhanced by the developing culture of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) with organizations rich in workers who are urged to utilize their own gadgets to access the organization’s frameworks and information, giving further connections for cyber drone hackers.


At first, drones were built for warfare. During the First World War, British engineers made the main pilotless airplane in 1917 to assault the German carrier, Zeppelins.

The invention of pilotless airplanes to assault adversaries without potential losses prompted the innovation of ‘aeronautical torpedoes’ that later became cruise missiles.

Civil and commercial applications

In recent times, drones have been utilized widely for different purposes like flying photography, crowd monitoring, rescue activities, and so forth. The COVID-19 pandemic drove us to observe the use of UAVs in the productive and safe conveyance of food and medicines.

However, technology is a double-sided sword. We can’t deny the fact that drones help us build a superior world, it is additionally posing a developing danger to public safety.

Also, Read – Common Cyber Security Myths Debunked

The terror of drones

A drone might be broadly helpful until its controller is in the hands of somebody who has genuine aims to create chaos. Drones are being involved more like a weapon than a device.

Stealth Drones:

A stealth drone is a sort of UAV that can escape from being distinguished by radar or sonar. Universally, militaries are generally using this sort of drone for observation or surveillance purposes. Undercover work on the borders has become incredibly simple with the utilization of undetectable drones. Secrecy is the principal benefit of these robots; they will quite often look unimportant from the start, however, what makes them deadly is that they accompany cameras that can send sensitive information about essential regions like army bases to foes.

Weaponized Drones:

As the name suggests, weaponized drones are UAVs that contain deadly payloads; the payloads include explosives, hazardous chemicals, and so forth. These drones have turned into a fundamental piece of contemporary fighting and are utilized to assault explicit targets. UAVs were created for exactly the same reason to assault the adversary with practically no losses on one’s side.

Weaponized drones are preferred over cruise rockets since they are:

  • less expensive,
  • precise and,
  • profoundly flexible

Drone Swarms

SWARM is an abbreviation for Smart Array of Configurable Modules. It refers to that situation where a set of drones autonomously carry out the pre-programmed task, normally to assault an objective. Its idea rose out of locust swarms. What makes it threatening is its sheer number; think of being encircled by many swarms, and now replacing them with UAVs. While an undermining number of UAVs assault from all sides, the hazard turns out to be practically relentless. Such drones are utilized to

  • Vehemently attack the enemy or
  • Create chaos and divert the enemy

Why are Drones Potentially Lethal?

Drones, which can possibly help people in numerous ways, can incur disastrous harm whenever operated by an individual with the wrong aims. It is a direct result of the following reasons:


Radars can detect aerial vehicles like planes. Radars transmit radiofrequency waves in short pulses; when the waves hit any item in the airspace, they get reflected. The Reflectability of an article relies on factors like size, materials utilized, and so forth. It helps the radar in recognizing the item. Drones, for example, nano drones, can’t be easily identified by the radar due to their tiny radar cross-section (RCS). Except if high-resolution radar frameworks are set up, empowering the discovery of drones, the chance of stealth drones sending delicate information to potential foes will persist.


A drone may either live-transmit the information it gets or catch it and convey it back to its ground-based controller. Destroying a drone capable of doing live transmission is of little use, as the information is now by the regulator; the main advantage is that it can’t be utilized by the operator. However, since these drones come in smaller than-expected sizes, it is very difficult to destroy them regardless of whether recognized.

Identification of Origin

Regardless of whether a drone is recognized and crippled, it is absolutely impossible to distinguish who sent it. It is pivotal to know the origin of the drones to comprehend who the genuine foe is.

Functional Flexibility

Drones are less expensive, more secure, and more proficient than ordinary techniques for surveillance. Drones are automated; so there is no expected danger to individuals on the working side. The individual behind the far-off regulator can move the drone anyplace he needs; he can see things at a safe and secure distance without really going close and taking a chance with his life.

A long-range subsonic cruise missile (for instance the ‘Hatchet’ utilized by the United States Navy and the Royal Navy) costs nearly $1.87 million, yet a small military UAV (for instance the Wasp-III UAV utilized by the US Air Force) costs around $49,000. In the interim, the expense of regular civilian drones, for example, nanorobots and quadcopters goes from $30 to a few thousand US dollars; meaning, reasonable. So, a secrecy drone is the most secure and easy method of surveillance.

Counter Drone Security for a Safer World

Cyber-based countering drone techniques are deployed to protect against antagonistic or risky drones occupied with assaults, smuggling, or undercover work. These counter-drone strategies can safeguard assets, defend regular people and keep watch on our urban communities and roads.

Cyber-based countering drone frameworks can identify and infiltrate the extraordinary correspondence signals utilized by business drones. When recognized, a network safety framework can extract the drone for identification as – A friend or Foe (IFF) process that distinguishes unfriendly and cordial drones.

Digital-based C-sUAS frameworks are one of a kind in their capacity to permit authorized drones to keep on working while threatening drones are distinguished and afterward alleviated (or battled off).

A digital-based countering drone takeover framework offers unlimited oversight of a ‘rogue drone’ circumstance without any interferences or inadvertent blowback. The smooth progression of interchanges, trade, transportation, and regular daily existence is empowered by careful detection and mitigation.

Another advantage is the capacity to focus on the genuine danger – the riskiest drones. Not all drones represent an equivalent danger. Little, short-range drones utilized by specialists frequently have a flight range estimated in yards or meters, are constrained by a cell phone, and for the most part, won’t convey a very remarkable payload.

Also, Read – Top Cybersecurity Compliance Regulations Every Company Should Know

In any case, there are longer-range drones with heavy payload limits and climate and wind opposition that could complete a critical disturbance or assault. They are innovatively best in class and could have proof or knowledge. Viable online protection frameworks should utilize drone hazard investigation, evaluation, and prioritization that considers drone prevalence payload limit, and flight range.

Haven’t you formed a cybersecurity team yet? At, PeoplActive with our experienced cybersecurity experts working towards your business cybersecurity, we offer bespoke cybersecurity consulting services. Want to connect? We are just an e-mail away! Contact the best cybersecurity consultant today!

Which Sector Is Most Vulnerable to Cyber Attacks?

In 2021, we’ve seen the Colonial Pipeline, one of the latest cyber attacks that changed the world, the greatest ever cyberattack in food creation which cursed JBS, the Kaseya ransomware assault by REvil and the Health Service Executive assault on the Irish medical care framework. Such occurrences of cyber attacks ought to remind organizations that, right off the bat, no area is protected from cybercriminals.

One more method to predict what organizations need to plan for on the cybersecurity front in 2022 is to pay attention to the specialists. Information and investigation firm GlobalData for instance reports that “cyber actors will target immature technologies, which means 5G correspondences, savvy urban communities, and the Internet of Things (IoT)”.

In this blog, we have discussed some general cross-sector viewpoints and predictions for 2022 from the cyber threat landscape. Moreover, you can find out UK’s top cybersecurity Consultant to protect your business from emerging cyber threats in 2022.

Oil and Gas Cybersecurity in 2022

We are seeing the latest cyber attackers take on a style of threats that make a disturbance in human lives. The recent cyber attacks on Colonial Pipeline in mid-2021 that set off a fuel lack along the U.S. East Coast was just the start. It unfolded that best practice was not consistently followed, even in such an exceptionally regulated area. With the regulatory network (the back office) not isolated from the functional network (the fuel pumping climate), cyber attacks on the regulatory network brought the fuel pumping network into danger and end up being closed down to protect it – influencing generally 45% of the Eastern Sea Board fuel supplies for nearly a week.

Transport Cybersecurity

Big data and 5G will invite new vulnerabilities. The worldwide rollout of 5G and more and more usage of smart vehicles containing a symphony of sensors is now producing a huge amount of data about users’ likes and dislikes. Data collected from these sensors help manufacturers understand the behaviour of customers and accordingly work on improvisation.

As smart vehicle usage is prevalent, we can anticipate that cyber actors may focus more on vehicles. We might even see the reemerging of a modern-day ‘digital Dick Turpin, copying the seventeenth-century highway burglar requesting money for travel.

Also Read – Enhancing Cybersecurity in the Transport and Logistics Industry

Aerospace Cybersecurity

We can hope to see new proof-of-concept (POC) attacks focusing on satellite networks in the coming years as satellite-based web access keeps on developing. The greatest targets will be organizations that depend on the satellite-based networks to help low-latency activities, as internet gaming or delivering services to remote areas, just as remote field workplaces, pipelines, or travels and aircraft.

“This will likewise grow the attack surface as organizations add satellite organizations to interface already off-grid frameworks, like far off OT gadgets, to their interconnected networks. In a huge number, Linux runs the back-end figuring frameworks, and as of not long ago, it has not been an essential objective of the cybercriminal local area, yet we expect this to get in 2022.”

Automotive Cybersecurity

2021 was the extended period of cybersecurity guidelines for the automotive business. Automotive SPICE for Cybersecurity, and TR-68:3 ‘Autonomous vehicles: Cybersecurity standards and evaluation structure’ were totally delivered. ISO/SAE 21434 ‘Road vehicles: Cybersecurity engineering. The ‘OpenChain ISO 5230 – Security Assurance Reference Guide 1.0’ focusing on security for open source programming was additionally released.

“In 2022 we will see a proceeded adoption of these guidelines and specialized references among automotive companies. We can likewise expect streamlined workflows based on further developed security mindfulness in the associations, relevant security training for product groups, and expanded utilization of rules, layouts, and mechanized security testing instruments for playing out the necessary network safety exercises.”

Logistics Cybersecurity

The roaring logistic sector will be perhaps the most alluring target for the cyber actors in 2022, and worryingly, may likewise be one of the most unprepared sectors. A greater part of logistics organizations doesn’t have a chief information officer, which demonstrates that network protection isn’t fundamentally important in the area.

In 2022, we’ll see logistic organizations making a similar degree of transparency in their digital guards as they implement them in their production network tasks. This will be driven partially by strain from external stakeholders with the liability regarding guaranteeing streamlining of operations in this area – be that financial backers, investors, or clients.

Healthcare Cybersecurity

Indeed, even before the pandemic struck, the healthcare industry had been encountering a great development in the number of associated devices used to give care and manage facilities. With the huge expansion in ransomware attacks against medical care frameworks seen in 2021, we can securely anticipate a much bigger expansion in 2022.

“These cybersecurity attacks will probably move from simple yet risky ransomware encryption of data – like the overwhelming WannaCry attack that impacted large parts of the NHS in 2017 – to holding hostages associated clinical gadgets with a denial of service attack on top of the information encryption. The extended cybersecurity attacks surface will carry with it new compliance mandates protecting more gadgets on the clinic organization.

Finance and Fintech Cybersecurity

Financial institutions have been progressively dependent on voice examination as a safety effort and threat actors community has as of now cottoned on. This technique was utilized effectively at the end of the year 2021. Banks and global investment houses need to observe and guarantee their security strategies are not over-dependent on any single innovation arrangement.

Cryptographic trades and wallets can contain huge wealth that can be an extraordinary bait to cyber attackers hoping to benefit from their assaults. In 2021, there has been an increase in the number of cyber attacks connected with cryptographic forms of money. In recent cyber attacks, these were simple social engineering assaults, and some of them were technically advanced.

Also Read – An overview of Cybersecurity Issues faced by the Fintech Industry

Retail and eCommerce Cybersecurity

“As retailers keep on pushing the envelope with customer commitment with Augmented Reality and Artificial Intelligence, different types of information are additionally being gathered and new cybersecurity concerns arise. For example – virtual fitting rooms to take a try at garments. They make a new digital actual reality where biometric information is needed. This helps in expanding the platform for cyber attacks and gives freedom for cyber actors, and it is certain that these frameworks will be focused on by cybercriminals.

Now you must have understood that cyber actors are trying their luck in each and every sector. Therefore, it won’t be fair to say which sector is more vulnerable. Instead, CEOs of every sector must learn from recent cyber attacks and have a proper strategy and plan on how to react to unprecedented cybersecurity attacks.

Haven’t you formed a cybersecurity team yet? At, PeoplActive with our experienced cybersecurity experts working towards your business cybersecurity, we offer bespoke cybersecurity consulting services. We are just a mail away! Contact the best cybersecurity consultant today!

A Cyber Attack Can Ruin Your Business – Are You Really Prepared?

‘If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail’. Without a proper cybersecurity program, you can’t guard your organization against data breaches, which makes it a powerful target for cybercriminals. Decision-makers can’t really exclusively depend on cybersecurity solutions like antivirus and firewalls as cybercriminals are getting smarter with their strategies each day.

Data theft is the fastest-growing and the most expensive section of cybercrime. Cybercriminals are turning out to be more sophisticated, changing what they target and their strategies for attack for various security frameworks. Social engineering is the simplest type of digital assault with ransomware, phishing, and spyware being the easiest type of entry. Third-party vendors who process your information and don’t have strong cyber security measures are another normal assault vector.

If you’re not yet stressed over cybersecurity risks, you ought to be.

To help you understand the reasons for cybersecurity failures, we’ve compiled a blog explaining cybersecurity failures and how to avoid cybersecurity attacks. Also, explore how a leading cybersecurity consultant in London, UK can help you stay ahead of the cyber threats!

So, let’s begin…

Image source: Stealthlabs

Reasons for Cybersecurity Failures

There can be several loopholes that can make you fall into the cyberattack pit. Every organization has a different infrastructure and way of handling business data. Here, we will be listing out the possible reasons behind cybersecurity and information security failures.

1. You assume your business is too small to be on the attacker’s checklist

54% of private businesses assume they’re too small for a cyberattack, therefore, don’t have a proper setup for responding to digital attacks. This absence of—or even nonexistence of—network safety could be lethal for a business. Some of the private ventures don’t have a clue how to protect their assets from cyberattacks, and some don’t have strong IT security staff/workforce to deal with network safety measures and methods.

Also Read – Role Of Cyber Security In Compliance: A Comprehensive Guide 2022

2. You have an incomplete stock of resources and endpoints.

Many IT experts trust the utilization of bring-your-own-device (BYOD) during remote work has made them more vulnerable to cyber-attacks. More than 50% of remote workers use their personal devices to access the company’s network. Without a precise stock of resources, patches and updates go unmonitored, leading to an increase in vulnerabilities of such endpoints.

Image source: Ekransystem

3. You set it, and afterwards, you fail to remember it.

Firewalls, antivirus, and email security solutions are important, however, they’re not adequate. Organizations should fortify themselves using a multifaceted methodology. Rather than simply installing software, organizations should lead proactive safeguard measures, including regular vulnerability scans and infrastructure penetration tests

4. You disregard completing patches and upgrading on time.

When an organization finds a security imperfection, it develops a fix for it, which the end-user must install. In case the patch is not deployed, the chance of vulnerability increases. That is why it is important that organizations and end-users must install the update when it is delivered. 40% of organizations stand by to test and carry out patches to keep away from bugs.

5. You don’t understand your most prominent liability is your own employees.

Human beings are susceptible to social engineering assaults that manoeuvre individuals toward uncovering sensitive data. In 2020, phishing assaults increased by 11%.

6. You don’t have a reaction plan.

Having a proper incident reaction plan can set aside $2 million on information breaks, as per IBM. However, 39% of small and medium-sized organizations still don’t have an occurrence reaction plan. An occurrence reaction plan contains a methodology to isolate and eliminate the threat.

What is the Impact of Cybercrime?

There are many factors that add to the cost of cybercrime. Every one of these elements can be ascribed to a helpless spotlight on best online protection rehearses. An absence of a spotlight on cybersecurity can harm your business in many ways including:

  1. Economical – All sorts of misfortune results in loss to the economy of an organization. For eg – Theft of intellectual property and the cost of repairing damaged systems
  2. Reputational – When an organization faces a cyberattack, it loses the trust and confidence of its clients and people become hesitant to put further in the association.
  3. Loss of IP – Sometimes the Intellectual Property of an association like patent, or copyright proprietary theft causes an enormous misfortune.
  4. Loss of sensitive business data – The information that has esteem in the worth of cash must be preserved however loss of such information can harm the association as it can be utilized by the competitors in the market.
  5. Trust Issues of Clients – Once an association faces a digital assault then clients do not have a good sense of reassurance with that association. It propels its clients to look for another vendor.
  6. Equipment Loss – Sometimes the malware destroys the entire system equipment so the association needs to spend a huge amount to reinstall them.
  7. Stock Prices – The attacker might decipher the stock costs of the organization to diminish the worth and picture of the specific organization by utilizing malware.
  8. Administrative Costs – GDPR and different data breach laws imply that your organization could experience the ill effects of administrative fines or authorization because of cybercrimes.

How to Minimize Cybersecurity Failure? Plan for it

The impact of a cyber attack can be lethal as it ruins the business’s reputation and brings in customer trust issues. Let us go through some of the major methods for how to prevent cybersecurity attacks.

Train Your Staff

Human error was found to be the reason for 90% of information breaks in 2019. If staff is trained how to distinguish and accurately react to cyber threats, most data breach incidents could be easily avoided. Such educational programs and training could likewise expand the worth of all network safety arrangement speculations since it would prevent staff from accidentally bypassing security controls that may facilitate cybercrime.

Ensure Your Sensitive Data

Invest in the latest tools and services that limit data misfortune, screen your third-party risks and consistently filter for data exposure and leaked credentials. Imagine what would happen if any data leak was left unattended? Surely, it could help cybercriminals break an organization’s sensitive assets. Therefore, it’s extremely important to implement a data leak discovery solution that observes loopholes all through third-party networks.

60% of data breaches happen by means of compromised third-party suppliers, so by closing down vendor data breaches, organizations can prevent most of the data breach incidents.

Be proactive

Have an overall examination of your system and the sensitive data you hold. Ensure, as an association, you have a better understanding and visibility about the most critical data resources and guarantee they are properly secured. Make sure that patch and change management processes are in place. The biggest ransomware assault around the world to date (wanna cry) was pre-cautioned by Microsoft weeks before the assault – just those organizations who didn’t apply the patch were impacted.

These were some of the methods for how to prevent cyber security breaches. Implementing them can help you avoid scary cyber attacks.

Also Read – Is Your Company Following These Cyber Risk Mitigation Strategies

One of the biggest hurdles to securing infrastructure and business data from cyberattacks is the lack of a strong and experienced team of cybersecurity experts. Businesses that are on the cloud need to have a cloud cyber security team that can offer bespoke solutions and think smarter than those of cyber attackers.

Are you looking for cybersecurity experts? We are just a mail away! Contact the best cybersecurity consultant today!

Role Of Cyber Security In Compliance: A Comprehensive Guide

Compliance should be a continuous process and not a reactive response! With new industry principles and administrative prerequisites affecting all industries, cyber security compliance turns into the main thrust for business achievement.

As the number and seriousness of digital assaults evolve, industries and governments try to authorize cyber security by setting up more tough compliance prerequisites. However, compliance prerequisites frequently fall behind cyber security risks. In this manner, to plan for changing cyber compliance necessities, associations need to make a security-first way to deal with online protection so they can stay ahead of the advancing prerequisites. In this blog, we’ll find out why is cybersecurity compliance important for businesses, where to hire a cybersecurity consulting team, the role of cybersecurity in compliance, 7 Steps to Creating a Proficient Cybersecurity Program, and more.

Image Source: Educba

What is Compliance in Cyber Security?

In general, compliance in network security is characterized as keeping guidelines and meeting prerequisites. In cybersecurity, compliance implies making a program that builds up risk-based controls to ensure the trustworthiness, confidentiality, and accessibility of data processed, stored, or transferred.

In any case, cyber security compliance isn’t based on an independent norm or guideline. Depending on the business, various guidelines might be covered, which can make disarray and abundance work for associations utilizing a checklist-based methodology.

For instance, the medical care industry needs to meet Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) compliance necessities, however, on the off chance that a supplier also accepts instalments through a Point-of-Service (POS) gadget, then, at that point, it additionally needs to meet Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) prerequisites. Organizations that serve clients or work with people in the European Union should follow the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and organizations meeting specific measures that have clients in California should consent to the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).

Also Read – Top Cybersecurity Compliance Regulations Every Company Should Know

What types of data are subject to cybersecurity compliance?

Cyber security and information security laws and guidelines center around the assurance of delicate information, such as protected health information (PHI), personally identifiable information (PII), and financial information. PII includes data that exceptionally distinguishes an individual, for example,

  • First and last name
  • Social security number
  • Mother’s maiden name
  • Date of birth
  • Address

PHI includes data that exceptionally distinguishes an individual, for example,

  • Medical history
  • Prescription records
  • Insurance records
  • Records of admissions
  • Information about medical appointments

Sensitive financial data includes:

  • Social security numbers
  • Credit card numbers
  • Bank account numbers
  • Debit card PINs
  • Credit history and credit ratings

Other sensitive data that may be subject to state, regional, or industry regulations include:

  • IP addresses
  • Marital status
  • Race
  • Religion
  • Email addresses, usernames, and passwords
  • Authenticators, including biometrics such as fingerprints, voiceprints, and facial recognition data

How do Businesses Benefit from Cyber Security Compliance?

Despite the fact that staying aware of the most recent cybersecurity compliance standards and rules can be costly, organizations should recognize that compliance carries huge advantages to the business. Let’s check out one by one –

Avoid fines and penalties

Failing to comply with the most recent principles and guidelines can prove costly for the organizations that wind up out of compliance. Accordingly, companies should know about the most recent compliance trends and enactments to stay away from fines and punishments. The absolute most normal compliances and their separate infringement punishments include:

    • Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) – USD 100 to USD 50,000 for every infringement, with the greatest punishment of USD 1.5 million yearly
    • Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS) – Between USD 5,000 and USD 100,000 every month
    • General Data Protection Act (GDPR) – 4% of an organization’s worldwide turnover or 20 million euros, whichever is higher

California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) – USD 2,500 to USD 7,500 for each infringement

Build Customer Trust and Brand Reputation

The genuine danger of a data breach is not confined to business interruption and monetary misfortune however stretches out to the enduring harm it can have on brand reputation and client trust. During the hour of vulnerability and disarray set off by an information break, a strong reaction is basic to ensure client loyalty and brand reputation.

As per a new report by Deloitte,

  • 59% of clients express that a single data breach would contrarily affect their probability of preferring the organization
  • 51% of clients would excuse the organization that had a single data breach provided the organization rapidly resolves the issue

Remaining consistent with the most recent guidelines helps you find, decipher, and get ready for data breaches that can affect your business and harm your brand reputation and client trust. Data security consistency assists you with trying not to put your brand’s name in danger by convincing you to advise clients about a break.

1. Upgraded Data Management

To keep up compliance with information security guidelines, the associations should monitor what clients’ delicate data they assemble, know how and where they store the information, and access, deal with, and change that data in a streamlined way.

These prerequisites urge associations to adjust and upgrade their information the executive’s abilities to such an extent that it upholds security as well as works on functional productivity.

2. Upgraded Security

The compliance guidelines expect organizations to set up a network safety program, embrace an association-level online cybersecurity policy, and assign a chief information security officer. This will help in mitigating dangers and addressing data breaches.

3. Better Access Controls and Accountability

Cybersecurity compliances expect organizations to build up senior-level responsibility for the strategic management of cyber risk. Additionally, associations need to execute compelling and appropriate risk management frameworks to screen and control admittance to the security systems and databases containing critical data.

Also Read – A Savvy Guide to Pick the Right Cybersecurity Consulting Partner for Your Business

7 Steps to Creating a Cyber Security Compliance Program

1. Make A Team

Regardless of business size, you should in any case consider building a compliance team that will evaluate and screen network safety. Organizations keep on moving their basic business tasks to the cloud, that network safety will not (and won’t ever) exist in a vacuum. Along these lines, you’ll need to make an interdepartmental work process, and spread the word about that work process across business and IT divisions.

2. Empower Risk Analysis

Risk investigation will assist your business with being more cybersecurity-compliant. Here’s how it works –

  • Find out all data resources, the frameworks, and the information that they access.
  • Evaluate the risk level of every information type by figuring out where high-danger data is put away, communicated, and gathered.
  • Examine risk by utilizing the accompanying equation: Risk = (Likelihood of Breach x Impact)/Cost
  • Set the risk resilience by deciding if to transfer, deny, acknowledge, or mitigate the risk.

3. Pick A Framework

Picking a system comes from understanding your danger profile. In that capacity, think about the below-mentioned points:

  • Scope of coverage
  • Amount of details
  • Industry-specific terminology
  • Taxonomy (overall arrangement of requirements & formatting)

A framework serves as a benchmark; notwithstanding, whichever system you use relies upon the environment of your business, implying that you ought to choose what’s significant for your association, just as its security and compliance objectives.

4. Set Your Controls

As you set up risk analysis, you’ll need to set up the controls to keep up with it and guarantee that you comply with cybersecurity. Presently, in view of your risk tolerance, you should decide how to moderate or move hazards.

Your controls can include:

  • Firewalls
  • Insurance
  • Encryption
  • Password policies
  • Employee training
  • Vendor risk management program

5. Set Up Policies

At the point when you set up strategies, you’re guaranteeing that the arrangements that you execute will comply with cybersecurity. Your policies will report your compliance activities and controls, in this way serving as the establishment for any audits (internal or external) that are important.

6. Update Policies And Procedures

At the point when you make an effective cyber risk evaluation plan, it permits your association’s compliance group to change specific arrangements and strategies or to think of completely new ones. That is something worth being thankful for, on the grounds that numerous administrative bodies need their compliance division to furnish them with subtleties concerning how the strategies and methods can function with their installed cybersecurity programs.

7. Screen And Respond Nonstop

Since digital dangers keep evolving, all compliance necessities should do likewise. Cybercriminals are continually searching for better approaches to stealing information by utilizing existing methodologies, as opposed to tracking down new weaknesses. To stay ahead of cybercriminal activities, it is important for every organization to do continuous monitoring which detects threats.

Image source: Microsoft

Where to hire a World-class Cybersecurity Team?

You must agree that a single cyberattack is enough to ruin the entire business. Then, why not be smart and work towards it? Every organization must understand the role of cyber security in compliance and maintain a cyber compliance team to look after the upcoming threats and protect business data from them.

Do you have a cyber security specialist team? If not, build one ASAP. You can hire a world-class cybersecurity professionals team – PeoplActive. Let us know your requisitions, we’ll get back to you soon.

Is Your Company Following These Cyber Risk Mitigation Strategies

Have you heard of the Log4j Log4Shell vulnerability? It’s one of the worst cybersecurity flaws discovered on 10 Dec’21. The rise of technology and the growing reliance on IT systems have definitely advanced our lives. However, they have also opened doors for cyberattacks.

IoT devices have become the attackers’ favorite thing to hack, and crimes related to credential stealing and ransomware are also increasing with time. Moreover, cybercriminals are also extending their reach to cloud platforms.

You know cybercrime is a problem. But how do you know it’s coming? Cybercrime can have long-reaching effects, affecting your business, and your customers, depending on the extent of the attack. Let us discuss what cost an organization has to pay post-cyberattack, how to find the vulnerabilities, implement cybersecurity risk mitigation strategies, and where to hire a Cybersecurity Consulting Firm.

Image source: Stealthlabs

What is the Cost of a Cyberattack?

The price of cyber attacks is way more than you may think. The harm of a digital assault totally depends upon your business. In case your business is adequately strong, then, at that point, you can expect a little damage. A good cyber risk mitigation strategy can likewise help you in lessening the harm of cyberattacks. Nonetheless, this isn’t the genuine expense of a digital assault. The cyberattack will likewise influence your business reputation too. Some of the indirect costs of cyberattack are as follows –

  • Data Loss – The loss of information can expand your bills because you will have to invest resources in data recuperation. Likewise, you may also have to suffer expected fines and consequences.
  • Investor Perception – Normally, an organization’s worth drops post-data breach. Negative media will affect your business esteem. If you have a huge association, then, at that point, you may lose a large number of dollars because of this. This is additionally appropriate to more modest organizations. Most SMBs need more frameworks to manage negative media.
  • Operational expenses – Sometimes, hackers may attempt to close down your web-based activities. They will utilize DDoS assaults to assault your servers. This will prompt client misfortune. Your clients will move to different stages as your services are not working.
  • Reputation – You will lose your faithful clients because of the assault. It will likewise become hard to draw in new clients. Your brand name is connected with your whole business. If you want your customers to stay with you, assess your cyber risks and fix them ASAP. Now let’s find out how to mitigate cyber security risk in the below section.

Also, Read – A Cyber Attack Can Ruin Your Business – Are You Really Prepared?

What is Cyber Security Risk Mitigation?

Cyber risk mitigation is the method involved with assessing a company’s important assets and afterwards ensuring them using risk strategy. Your association needs to decide its risk tolerance, so you can make a risk mitigation plan that will limit those dangers. Risk tolerance can be high, medium, or low. A risk alleviation system will shield your association’s resources from internal and external threats and save money in alternate ways.

Cyber risk mitigation is a critical thinking tool that assists you with making a cyber threat alleviation plan for unknown threats so it tends to be managed all the more easily. A cyber risk mitigation plan is a chance for you to diminish and dispose of hazards. You can’t keep a catastrophe from occurring consistently, however, you can generally diminish its effect. It implies having a decent danger alleviation procedure set up that will help you assume the most noticeably terrible ought to occur.

Best Cybersecurity Risk Mitigation Strategies

Proactive cybersecurity risk mitigation is rapidly turning into the main choice for associations as the probability of encountering a digital assault is everything except ensured. The following are the 6 top strategies for the mitigation of cyber security incidents across your IT environment. Let’s see how to mitigate cyber security risks.

Conduct a risk assessment to determine vulnerabilities

The initial phase in a cybersecurity risk mitigation plan ought to be to conduct a risk evaluation, which can assist with uncovering potential loopholes in your association’s security controls. A risk evaluation can offer knowledge into the resources that should be ensured and the security controls at present set up, and directing one can help your association’s IT security group identify areas of weakness that could be possibly taken advantage of, and therefore can focus on which steps ought to be taken first. Network safety appraisals are an incredible method for acquiring an ongoing glance at your association’s cybersecurity posture.

Establish network access controls

Whenever you have evaluated your resources and distinguished potential trouble spots, the subsequent stage is to build up network access controls to assist with moderating the dangers of insider threats. Numerous associations are going to security frameworks that assess trust and client access advantages dependent upon the situation relying upon every client’s particular work. This limits both the probability and effect of dangers or assaults that happen because of worker carelessness or a basic absence of familiarity with online protection best practices.

Also, Read – Cyber Attacks on Utilities Are Spiking. Is Your Company Prepared?

Implement firewalls and antivirus software

Another significant cybersecurity risk methodology implies the establishment of safety solutions like firewalls and antivirus. These innovative protections offer an extra obstruction to your PC or organization. Firewalls go about as a buffer between the rest of the world and your organization and give your association more prominent command over incoming and outgoing traffic. Essentially, antivirus looks through your devices as well as the organization to distinguish any possible cyber attacks.

Create a patch management schedule

Numerous Software and application providers keep releasing patches consistently, and cybercriminals know about that very well. Therefore, they can rapidly decide how to take advantage of a patch. Organizations need to keep an eye on the patch release and create an effective management schedule that can help your association’s IT security group stay in front of Attackers.

Continuously monitor network traffic

Proactive activity is the best strategy for alleviating cyber attacks. With approximately 2,200 assaults happening each day, the best way to genuinely remain ahead of cybercriminals is to continuously monitor network traffic. To genuinely empower real-time threat detection and network safety hazard moderation, consider tools and devices that permit you to acquire an exhaustive perspective on your whole IT ecosystem anytime. This will permit your IT security group to more effectively distinguish new dangers and decide the ideal way to remediation.

Build an incident response plan

Guaranteeing that everybody, including both the IT cloud cyber security group and non-technical employees, knows what they’re answerable for in case of an information break or assault can make it more straightforward to have assets set up and all set. This is known as an occurrence reaction plan, and it is one of the critical factors in alleviating cyber-attack within your organization. Dangers can emerge out of any place and they aren’t going to cease themselves. Therefore, it is important for every organization to keep the response plan ready to proactively remediate any issues.

Read more: Data Security on Cloud – How To Protect Data In The Cloud

How PeoplActive Can Help Your Business?

Having a cybersecurity team has become a necessity for every business. Mitigation in Cyber security is crucial to safeguard the entire production and delivery process. Are you looking for cybersecurity professionals to ensure mitigation in cybersecurity? If so, PeoplActive is a one-stop solution for you.

PeoplActive is an IT consulting company and also offers staffing/staff augmentation services to our clients or both PERM and Remote roles. We specialize in cloud and cyber security roles however, that does not limit our expertise, we also assist our clients with different complex IT roles like Full Stack, Mean Stack, Data Engineers, iOS or Android, etc.

Our tech-savvy recruiters are well-versed with the latest technology, programming knowledge, and other skills which help them better understand the job description and bring exceptional talents to your dream team.

  • Geographies – US, India, UAE, and ANZ.
  • Avg. placement Percentage – More than 90%
  • Specialization – Cloud Platforms (Azure, AWS, GCP, etc.) Cyber Security, DevOps, Architect, Data Engineers, etc.
  • Joining Turn Around – 2 to 4 weeks.
  • Flexible hiring model – Contractual or Permanent.

We hope you found the blog useful and informative. In case, you want to beef up your project team with cloud cyber security experts, let us know today. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Cyber Attacks on Utilities Are Spiking. Is Your Company Prepared?

As the utility sector embraces digitization, it is also becoming more vulnerable to cyberattacks. Companies have adopted operational technology (OT) and made large investments in big data, cloud computing, and IoT to better manufacture and accelerate product delivery. However, this has increased their attack surface and exposed the infrastructure to cybersecurity threats.

In this blog, we would be discussing the cyber risks utility companies face, the possible damages, the overall readiness of the industry to meet those risks, and what are the most effective solutions to counter cyber attacks on utilities.

Cybersecurity and threat detection remain important priorities as we move towards 2023. Both large and small firms are nonetheless concerned about data breaches and the theft of critical information. According to an IBM analysis, just in 2022, the average cost of data breaches hit $4.35 million globally, up 2.6% from the previous year.

Images Source: Springeropen

What is Cyber Security?

The goal of cybersecurity is to protect the data of your company from intrusions by malicious insiders and outsiders. It might include a collection of methods, tools, frameworks, and procedures used to safeguard networks, computers, software, and data from unwanted access or destruction. Any cybersecurity strategy should aim to protect data integrity, availability, and confidentiality. An organization’s reputation can be harmed (or even destroyed) by cybersecurity concerns in many ways. There is a chance that a hacker will get access to private data like bank or credit card numbers.

What is the Utility Sector?

The utility sector refers to a set of companies that are engaged in offering basic amenities, such as electricity, water, sewage services, dams, food, and natural gas. The utility sector encompasses a wide range of companies in different industries. They include manufacturers, providers, and suppliers such as:

    • Energy companies
    • Electricity companies
    • Water companies
    • Food manufacturing companies
    • Natural gas companies
    • Sanitation and waste disposal companies

The increasing use of software in OT (operational technology) such as programmed gas turbines and software-managed brownfield engine exchanges – has extended the attack surface for hackers to exploit. Also, the operational systems at utilities often take 10-20 years to upgrade or patch. Therefore, any software vulnerability in these systems remains exploitable for several years. Along with this, utility companies can have dozens of remote sites maintaining a continuous flow of data from a central HQ to multiple sub-networks. This shows that the IT security issue also stays in this sector. Utility companies have a large amount of valuable customer data such as credit card information and home addresses etc. that also increase the chances of cyber attacks on utilities data.

Critical security concerns facing the energy & utility industry

Utility Cybersecurity Challenge 1: Securing basic infrastructure and the grid

Our energy and utility basic infrastructures are encountering a significant shift towards the utilization of smarter and advanced technologies to counter the resource requirements of a growing population.

Operational Technologies (OT), like Industrial Control Systems (ICS) and SCADA, are connected to a wider network and are being increasingly targeted by hackers. As per reports, there is an absence of maturity in cybersecurity safety approaches while merging OT and IT that increase chances of cyber attacks on utilities.

Image Source: Weforum

Utility Cybersecurity Challenge 2: IoT and Cyber-Physical Attacks

One reason for this is the expanding utilization of internet-enabled gadgets and remote sensor networks by the energy and utility industry. Modern industrial systems are dependent on the utilization of the cyber-physical system. ICS (industrial control system) units are progressively turning out to be important for the more extensive Internet of Things (IoT), permitting them to control actual frameworks utilizing digital strategies.

Today, mobile applications are also being utilized as a remote control point. In doing so, we have made many new entry points for malicious activities. The sorts of attacks found in the utility sector encompass data breaches, defacement, physical harm, and information tampering. A review into the utilization of mobile applications to control ICS found more than 100 vulnerabilities, of which 20% could be utilized as a vector for malicious control of the industrial process and weakens cybersecurity for utilities.

Utility Cybersecurity Challenge 3: Automation, AI and security

Like every other industry, the utility industry is also utilizing advanced and smart technologies to smooth out processes such as big data, and artificial intelligence. Automation will bring new security and protection worries, as AI and ML capture personal as well as other critical data to build better and more enhanced frameworks. Total of this information may likewise draw new worries, particularly as far as security.

Also read: Is Artificial Intelligence (AI) the Future of Cyber Security?

Utility Cybersecurity Challenge 4: Cyber Security Skill Shortage

Utility and energy organizations belong to a traditional industry. Their core business isn’t security. However, not focusing on the cyberthreats within the organization can undeniably complicate things and may leave the business helpless.

As the utility sector is embracing digital transformation, it also requires a team having new skills and proactive plans to overcome the unprecedented cyber threats.

3 Steps To Improve Cybersecurity in Utilities Industry

Assess Your Risk Portfolio

One of the initial steps a utility can take to launch a fruitful, risk-based security strategy is to do a complete organizational review. This would include building a cybersecurity plan intended to recognize critical resources and the risk they would cause whenever compromised or lost.

With this data, utility companies become aware of the extent of the risk for delivery of services and can be better ready for it. With a better understanding of risk tolerance, these organizations can focus on cloud cybersecurity protection exercises, empowering utility leaders to settle on more advanced choices about expenditures on cybersecurity for utilities.

Pervasive Security Architecture

Advanced systems and devices are continually added to improve the performance, flexibility, and resiliency of the grid, Communication infrastructure was set up before security was even considered. With the arrival of IoT, the edge of the organization continues to develop and extend. Issues and weaknesses prompted wireless cameras and insecure routers leading to DDoS attacks. Shielding the infrastructure from the steadily expanding number of sensors and gadgets will guarantee grid stability. Identification of resources, legitimate access control, and data flow segregation will be in every way pivotal administration that should be planned and architected as the edge of the organization proceeds to develop and grow.

Utilize Common Security Tools

Utilities use Network firewalls in their security models to shield IT and OT frameworks from cyber threats. Firewalls block external threats and control traffic to distinct interior zones of the network. Limits for these trust zones are especially significant for utility organizations that require both IT and OT frameworks to operate.

Most of the firewalls are capable of inspecting the network traffic to and from the system which helps us to block inappropriate traffic. DPI (Deep Packet Inspection) firewalls apply deep and detailed inspection to the network traffic. These firewalls are used to isolate malicious data messages from routine control messages.

Haven’t you yet formed a Cybersecurity team?

Having a cybersecurity expert team has become a necessity for every business. Cybersecurity for utilities is equally important and crucial to safeguard the entire production and delivery process. Are you looking for cybersecurity professionals? If so, PeoplActive is a one-stop solution for you.

PeoplActive is an IT consulting company and also offers staffing/staff augmentation services to our clients for both PERM and Remote roles. We specialize in the cloud and cyber security roles however, that does not limit our expertise, we also assist our clients with different complex IT roles like Full Stack, Mean Stack, Data Engineers, iOS or Android, etc.

Our tech-savvy recruiters are well versed with the latest technology, programming knowledge, and other skills which help them better understand the job description and bring exceptional talents to your dream team.

  • Geographies – US, India, UAE, and ANZ.
  • Avg. placement Percentage – More than 90%
  • Specialization – Cloud Platforms (Azure, AWS, GCP, etc.) Cyber Security, DevOps, Architect, Data Engineers, etc.
  • Joining Turn Around – 2 to 4 weeks.
  • Flexible hiring model – Contractual or Permanent.

We hope you found the blog useful and informative. In case you have any requirements, let us know today. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Cyber Security vs Information Security: Are They The Same or Different?

How safe is your digital data? Digital transformation is significantly modifying each part of how the present organizations work and store business data. Businesses are whole-heartedly dependent on the data they retrieve from IoT devices and other sources. A single vulnerability is enough to sink the brand name and spoil the hard work of the whole workforce. When it comes to data security, you must have often come across two terms – Information security and cybersecurity. Do you think they are the same? No, they may share some similarities but can’t be put in the same shoes. In this blog, we would be discussing difference between cyber security and information security, where do they overlap, and where to Hire Cloud Cyber Security Expert and more on information security vs cyber security.

Image Source: Advisera

Cyber Security vs Information Security: Definition

What is Cyber Security?

Cyber Security is the ability to secure digital information stored in servers, PCs, cell phones, networks, and other electronic gadgets, from cyberattacks. Recognizing the sensitive data, its residing region, the risk it is exposed to, etc comes under the horizon of cybersecurity. It aims to secure and shield critical data from unauthorized attacks.

Image Source: IBM

Also Read – Cyberattacks Are Inevitable. Is Your Company’s Cloud Storage Secure?

What is Information Security?

Today, most of the data stored are in digital form, but it was not the same a decade ago. Those were the times when data was stored in rooms and file cabinets protected by locks. Information security covers a much broader field than cybersecurity, as it not just protects the digital data but ensures the overall confidentiality and integrity of important data.

Information security Vs Cyber Security: Types

Types of Cyber Security

There are different types of Cyber Security practices that experts incorporate on daily basis to secure data.

Cybersecurity can be categorized into five distinct types:

  1. Network security
  2. Application security
  3. Cloud security
  4. Critical infrastructure security
  5. Internet of Things (IoT) security
  • Network Security: This sort of security practices deal with securing networks from any unauthorized access and service interruption.
  • Cloud Security: Cloud Security is a mix of several procedures, technologies, and policies that are intended to cooperate to keep cloud-based data and infrastructure secure.
  • Application Security: This process assists with recognizing, fixing, and upgrading application security, empowering organizations to prevent hackers from stealing code and data present in the applications.
  • Critical Infrastructure: It includes a blend of tools offering security services such as virus scanners, anti-malware software, etc.
  • Internet of Things (IoT) Security – Each IoT device is considered a potential entry point into your database and a threat to your supply chain.

An organization should develop a plan that incorporates these five kinds of cybersecurity, however, there are additionally the three parts that assume dynamic parts in a network safety act: People, processes, and technology.


Most of the people aren’t deliberately bypassing security protocol – they either aren’t trained to do as such, or they aren’t taught regarding the meaning of their activities.

The following are five different ways the human factor can increase your cybersecurity risk –

  • Suspicious URLs and Emails: Urge your staff to focus on URLs, delete emails that don’t have content or seem as though they are coming from a spoofed address, and stress the significance of monitoring individual data.
  • Password Idleness: We know that sticking to the same password for a very long time isn’t suggested. Instruct your employees regarding the significance of regularly changing passwords and utilizing solid blends.
  • Personal Identifiable Information: Employees must understand the need to keep their personal browsing such as shopping and banking assignments, limited to their own gadgets. Underline the significance of watching out for what sites might prompt others. What’s more, that incorporates online media.
  • Backups and Updates: It’s genuine for an unsavvy tech consumer to approach their every day business without backing up their information consistently and refreshing their system’s anti-virus.
  • Physical Security for Devices: How many of your employees leave their work area for gatherings, social events and mid-day breaks. Are they locking up their systems properly. Urge workers to safeguard their gadgets with as much consideration as they safeguard their things.


When workers outside of the IT department are trained, IT masters can focus on the process. The process by which cybersecurity engineers approach safeguarding confidential data is multifaceted.

Putting processes not just guarantees every one of these buckets is being consistently monitored, however, if online protection assaults occur, referring to a well-documented process can save your organization.


When you have systems and processes set up, it’s an ideal opportunity to ponder the tools to start implementation with.
Technology has a double significance with regards to your toolbox:

  • The technology you’ll use to forestall and battle network safety assaults, like malware protection, antivirus software, DNS filtering, firewalls, and email security solutions.
  • The technology your data resides on that needs your security, similar to PCs, savvy gadgets, switches, network, and the cloud.

Types of Information Security

Below are the various types of InfoSecurity that help associations secure their data:

  • Access Controls: These controls are used to give access to business data in order to ensure confidentiality. These controls restrict the physical access of the clients for virtual access and the organization’s framework.
  • Compliance Controls: They manage Cloud Cyber Security norms and protection laws that minimize the security risks. They implement prerequisites for information security and require information security risk assessment.
  • Procedural Controls: These controls identify and minimize security risks to all the physical resources of the organization, including computer systems, data centers, and so forth. They additionally include security awareness education, compliance training, incident response procedures, and security framework.
  • Technical Controls: Under these controls, multifactor validation (MFA) during login, in antivirus software and firewalls, and so forth, to add an additional security layer.

Cyber Security vs Information Security: Where do information security and cybersecurity overlap?

Do you still think that infosecurity and cybersecurity are same? But they are not, however they do overlap. Let’s dig deeper to understand what are those points cause some justified confusion about these terms.

You must be agreeing that most of the data is stored digitally (computer, servers, network, cloud). No doubt, it helps in accelerating the business operation but it also invites vulnerabilities if proper security measures are not taken care of.

Data is the biggest concern for both types of security. In information security, the primary concern is ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and accessibility of the information. In cybersecurity, the basic concern is securing data against unapproved electronic access. In both cases, it is analyzed which data is more vulnerable and how a security framework is established with valid controls to avoid unauthorized access. Is cybersecurity part of information security? Yes, cybersecurity is a subset of Infosecurity. Now, let us find out the difference between information security and cyber security.

Also Read – Is Your Cloud Bill Too High This Month? That’s Probably Your Fault

Is Cybersecurity a good career?

Cloud computing is a versatile field having an exponential scope of growth. As every business is moving towards digitization, more and more data is being stored in cyberspace. This may put data in a vulnerable state if the security measures are not followed properly. That is why there is a huge demand for trained & cloud cybersecurity experts in the market who could assist organizations in managing and securing cloud data. Here are some profiles which are in demand –

  • Cloud Infrastructure Engineer
  • Cloud Architect
  • Cloud Software Engineer
  • Cloud Security Manager
  • Cloud Developer
  • Cloud Computer Systems and Network Administrator
  • Cloud Automation Engineer

How PeoplActive Can Help You Secure your Cloud Data?

Post covid, Cloud migration has seen its peak. This quick transition has driven the attention of cybercriminals who are exploiting weaknesses present in cloud-based data to deploy malware. PeoplActive is a platform where you can hire Cyber security engineer within 48 hours of sharing your requisition with us.

At PeoplActive, you will get:

  • Access to the remote team of top-tier cybersecurity experts across the world.
  • Choose only the professionals that meet your business needs best.
  • 100% dedicated team working on your cybersecurity needs to get it done promptly.
  • Flexible hiring model– permanent/contractual roles.

Dear readers, we hope that you found this Cybersecurity Vs Information security blog informative and useful. To stay updated with what’s happening in the cloud talent-hiring market, do follow us on our social media handles and keep visiting the website regularly.

Submit your requisition and hire cyber security engineer in 48 hours.

Kubernetes and Container Security Checklist to Build Secure Apps

Do you really need Kubernetes? What does Kubernetes(k8s) do, Anyway? Organizations are embracing the concept of microservices and containerization to develop applications faster and in more secure environments. Nothing can better manage containers than Kubernetes. Let’s find out what Kubernetes is, Kubernetes security checklist, benefits of Kubernetes, cloud container security checklist, and more.

What is Kubernetes?

Kubernetes is an open-source platform used to automate the containerized workload management. It automates the load balancing, manages service discovery, tracks resource allocation, and several other activities required for automatic containers deployment. Click here to find more about Kubernetes benefits.


Benefits of Kubernetes –

  • Portability and flexibility
  • Multi-cloud capability
  • Increased developer productivity
  • Reduce cloud complexity
  • Open source

What are Containers?

A container is an independent unit that contains code and all its dependencies together so the application can run quickly from one computing environment to another. But there is a cloud container security checklist that must be followed during the SDLC. We will explore those cloud container security points under the Kubernetes security guidelines later in this blog.

Benefits of Containers –

  • Less overhead: Containers require fewer resources as compared to the traditional environments since they do exclude operating system images.
  • Expanded portability: Applications running in containers can be deployed effectively to different OS and hardware platforms.
  • More reliable operation: Groups of devops engineers know applications in containers will run in the same manner, irrespective of the platform they are deployed.
  • Better productivity: Containers permit applications to be all the more quickly deployed, fixed or scaled.
  • Better application development: Containers support agile and DevOps endeavors to speed up development, test, and production cycles.

Also Read – Cyberattacks Are Inevitable. Is Your Company’s Cloud Storage Secure?

Kubernetes security checklist can be defined along 4 areas:

  • Infrastructure
  • Kubernetes
  • Containers
  • Applications

1. Infrastructure


Infrastructure level security is the basic yet the biggest thing to consider while developing an application. There are several factors that come under the infrastructure dimension. Let’s find more on this Kubernetes security checklist –


In Kubernetes, usually deployment is microservices, where all the microservices are communicating with one another or external applications. Therefore, it becomes imperative to limit the networking traffic and allow only what is useful. Networks should have lower-level access control at the hardware level and better control over the traffic in a shared environment. Here, you will consider the different aspects of network design to foster a protected and secure network. Explore what are specific guidelines under Kubernetes security checklist to protect network.

  1. Isolation of control traffic – Isolating Kubernetes control-plane traffic from data-plane traffic helps avoid traffic overshadows which may cause temporary service disruption. This one of the Kubernetes security best practices.
  2. Isolation of Storage traffic – There are chances that the infrastructure’s storage service may bring down the application network. To avoid that, organizations isolate storage traffic from regular data and control traffic.
  3. Network Segmentation – Kubernetes hides the basic framework from users. Developers should keep this fact in mind while designing the network. Networking infrastructure should support both Layer 2 VLAN-based segmentation and Layer 3 VXLAN-based segmentation, to segregate the traffic between different tenants or applications.

Also read: Azure Firewall Architecture


Storage is more vulnerable to cyber-attacks. Developers working on Kubernetes must implement below-given Kubernetes security checklist at the storage level.

  1. Self Encrypting Drives: With these drives, encryption is offloaded to the disk itself. This guarantees that in the event that somebody gets physical admittance to the disk, data won’t be accessible to them. This is among Kubernetes security best practices followed by engineers.
  2. Volume encryption: In a shared infrastructure, Kubernetes CSI deals with the lifecycle of the volume. This detaches the users from the hidden storage. Volume Encryption guarantees that individual volumes are secure against undesired access.
  3. Quality of Service: In a shared infrastructure, I/O-heavy application may affect the efficiency of other applications. Therefore, the underlying storage infrastructure must have the capability to ensure a guaranteed service level to each tenant.


Host and Operating System

The next level of security practice in Infrastructure is the physical or virtual host itself. Engineers can secure the underlying foundation in different ways –

  1. Enable Kernel Security – Enable security modules like AppArmor and SELinux to limit access to the applications, processes, and files in a system.
  2. Audit Logging – Implementing audit logging helps in monitoring systems, debugging, and finding the security beaches.
  3. Rotate Credentials – It is one of the best practices to rotate the user credentials frequently to avoid security breaches.
  4. CIS Conformance Test – This test is done to ensure that all the security practices have been implemented successfully.
  5. Lockdown the Nodes – All the nodes must be lockdown after they are provisioned and set up in the Kubernetes cluster.

Read more: Green Cloud Computing Architecture

2. Securing Kubernetes


After securing the infrastructure, the next level to secure is the Kubernetes installment process. In an open-source Kubernetes installation, there are many settings that need to be done manually as they are not on by default. Let find more on this second most important Kubernetes security checklist –

Secure etcd

etcd is a key-value store used as a backing store for cluster data in Kubernetes. It stores all states and secret data of Kubernetes which makes it very important.

  1. Lockdown nodes within etcd with minimal access and must be Accessible to masters only.
  2. Encrypt the drives containing the etcd data.
  3. Ideally, etcd communication should be over TLS.

Securing Access to Kubernetes

Kubernetes offers access control solutions to secure the data. These can be broken down into the following Kubernetes security best practices as listed below.

  1. Authentication – Kubernetes has several authentication modules: Client Certificates, Plain Tokens, Bootstrap Tokens, Passwords, and JWT Tokens. For production environments, enterprises will require an external user management and authentication plugin that supports these capabilities.
  2. Authorization – Once users are connected to the Kubernetes cluster, it is important to authorize them for accessing the requested resources. Kubernetes supports multiple authorization modules including ABAC (attribute-based access control), RBAC (role-based access control), and webhooks.
  3. Admission Control – It is used to intercept and control the Kubernetes requests and allows users to access only if they are authenticated and authorized.

Security Policies

Kubernetes provides few configurable policies which need to be aligned as per enterprise practices. They are not set by default but need to be defined by the users. Check out what are those practices in Kubernetes security framework.

  1. Pod Security Policy – an admission control plugin to ensure that pods are admitted only when certain security guidelines are met.
  2. Network Policies – By default, the pods are non-isolated. Therefore, it is important to set network policies to control the group of pods and communication between them.
  3. Quality of Service – To guarantee that enough computing resources are provided to avoid noisy neighbors and starvation problems.

Also Read – Must-Have Steps in a Cloud Migration Checklist

3. Securing Containers

Containers need to be secured in both phases – while they are being developed and while they are running. Check out the key elements under this cloud container security checklist-

Container Image Security

The containers are based on an image file that is downloadable from an open library or can also be passed from one team to another. Team members should keep a track of where these images are coming from and what’s inside them. Let’s find what comes under this particular cloud container security checklist –

  1. Image Vulnerability Scanning – Container images must be scanned using tools like Aqua, Twistlock, Clair, etc to detect the known vulnerabilities. These tools scan all the packages and dependencies in the image and find out the vulnerabilities.
  2. Image Signing – Enterprises need to strictly admit images that are only signed via corporate Notary and maintaining a system of trust.
  3. Control Privileges – One of the best practices to stay secure is to avoid using a root user in a container image. A user within containers must have the least privileges for system operation.

Running Containers

There are tools like Twistlock, Sysdig, Aqua, etc that offer threat prevention by monitoring network and system calls. Also, they are capable of intercepting and blocking unwanted calls to enforce security within the system.

These are the cloud container security checklist which developers must follow to build application quickly without any risk of cyber attacks.

Read more: Kubernetes vs Docker Swarm

4. Securing Applications


After ensuring the security of the infrastructure, Containers, Kubernetes installation process, the enterprise needs to focus on the security of the Application itself. Let’s find out how what include under this Kubernetes security checklist –

Application Access

  1. TLS for Kubernetes Ingress – The most well-known practice for presenting your application outside of the cluster is utilizing an ingress controller like Envoy or NGINX. All external access to the ingress controller should be over TLS, and interaction between the ingress controller and application containers must utilize TLS too, despite the fact that there are situations where that isn’t required – relying upon the organization plan and corporate security policies.
  2. Encrypt everything in Transit – Except for a couple of cases, the default behavior ought to encrypt everything in transit. It is prudent to encrypt network traffic between containers.


  1. Networking: Service networks like Istio, Linkerd, and Consul give many Layer 7 networking features, permitting the limitation and control of traffic between various tenants.
  2. Ports: It’s critical to just uncover the ports on your application/containers that are significant for communication to that application.

Application hardening

  1. Analyse and evaluate source code on regular basis to guarantee it is following all the norms to avoid vulnerabilities and threats.
  2. In general, developers depend on third-party applications and libraries to build their own applications and microservices. Therefore, it becomes of utmost importance to consistently examining code conditions for new vulnerabilities to guarantee that they are not a threat to the
  3. Constantly testing applications against common attacks like DDoS attacks, SQL injection etc.

Do you think Kubernetes will remain massively important to organizations after ten years from now? Of course, it will be. It is the safest and quickest way to deploy cloud native applications. If you are developing cloud native apps with this approach, do follow the Kubernetes security guidelinesand Cloud container security checklist for faster deployment in a safe environment.

Hire Kubernetes Experts in 48 hours

Are you looking for cyber security engineers having expertise in Kubernetes? Well, Peoplactive can help you hire cybers security experts within 48 hours of submitting the requisition. We maintain a pre-vetted talentpool of skilled and highly experienced candidates who are looking to assist you remotely on your project. Come and leverage our strong community of 4000+ candidates across the world.

Hire Top 5% Cyber Security Experts Your IT Team Needs

Cyber Security is a global concern that is climbing to the top of leaders’ list of worries. The amount you have spend does not reflect your level of security. However, this extends to hiring cybersecurity experts as well. Demand for cloud Cybersecurity experts is high but finding one within your budget is hard. In this blog, you will get to know everything about How to Hire a Cybersecurity Professional, using the most practical approach and affordable choices.

The worldwide information security market is forecast to reach $170.4 billion in 2022, according to Gartner.

Which cybersecurity role are you looking for?

Cyber Security is integral to an organization’s growth and therefore every organization puts 100% effort to hire the best Cybersecurity experts. Cloud cybersecurity professionals encompass a wide range of job roles such as Application security engineer, Security Engineer, Network security engineer, Information security analyst, IT security specialist, Penetration Tester, Security Consultants, Security Architect, and more. Therefore, before hiring you need to know which role do you exactly need for your project. So, let’s have a look at some common roles and the skills required.


Also Read – Tips to Hire the Best Azure Candidate

Application Security Engineer

As an application security engineer, an employee is involved in writing, implementing, and testing software applications. Their profile demands them to have hands-on experience in multiple programming languages, including C, C#, Java, Python, Ruby, and JavaScript. For this job role, a degree in computer science/computer engineering is definitely an advantage.

Security Engineers

Security engineers are responsible for developing and implementing procedures to protect the company’s systems from cybersecurity breaches. They are very well aware of the organization’s workflow, can analyze the security issues. They have a deep understanding of computer forensics which they use to diagnose and fix the issue. Cyber Security engineers are expected to have a bachelor’s degree in computer science, or something similar.

Information Security Analyst

This cybersecurity job role has to directly deal with security problems and finding solutions for them. They come up with solutions that protect the company’s data and networks from breaches. Most of the companies dealing with big data on daily basis have analysts working with specialists in IT and networking set up standard security protocols. This profile requires a bachelor’s degree in IT or network security, along with some hands-on experience.

IT Security Specialist

The job of the IT security specialist range from configuring security software to assisting employees on data security. Apart from this, they also work on past vulnerabilities to avoid future breaches. IT security specialists need to have a degree in computer science or in a related field. If you are looking for remote cybersecurity talents, Peoplactive can be the best choice to go with.

Penetration Tester

A penetration test is done to understand how vulnerable a system can be to data loss. It can be called ethical hacking that is used to have a better knowledge on how to prevent breaches. A Penetration tester is good at identifying weaknesses in networks and the data. An employee with this job role should ideally have a bachelor’s degree in computer science or cybersecurity. Having certifications in ethical hacking, penetration testing, or in related fields add to the experience.

Also read: Cloud Migration Checklist

Security Consultants

Security consultants in an organization are hired to analyze each and every security measure implemented in it. They have the best knowledge of security systems and methods, data breaches, and implementing solutions. Apart from this, technical expertise they are aware of regulatory needs and laws on data protection. Security consultants need to have a degree in computer science, cybersecurity, information security, or any related field.

Security Architect

Organizations hire security architects to design systems that are resistant to cyberattacks. They possess both hardware and software knowledge, the ability to create cloud cybersecurity policies, and skills in programming. For this senior role, a person needs to have deep knowledge in planning and managing computer and network security. along with strong communication skills.
Cybersecurity Cost Predictions

  • Worldwide cybercrime costs will hit $6 trillion annually by 2021. (According to Cybersecurity Ventures)
  • More than 70% of cloud security executives believe that their budgets for fiscal year 2021 will shrink.
  • Ransomware damage costs will increase to $20 billion by 2021 (According to Cybersecurity Ventures)
  • Damage related to cyberattack to hit $10.5 trillion annually by 2025. (According to Cybersecurity Ventures)


Image Source: (According to Cybersecurity Ventures)

3 Ways of Hiring a Cybersecurity Expert

Modern IT work isn’t limited to in-house talent. Indeed, highly technical skills are important for the gig economy, and enterprises are hiring freelancers for that. Then, at that point, there’s additionally the choice of utilizing another organization’s resources for complete activities. Let’s have a look at all hiring approaches to hiring a cybersecurity expert.

Hire In-house

Hiring skilled talent is the biggest nightmare. In-house recruiting is where an organization hire talents on its own payroll and recruit purely for their company. Once upon a time, In-house hiring was the only way of recruiting candidates to fill positions. This process is time-consuming, requires more effort, and is a long-term investment.

Pros of in-house recruitment:

  • There’s more accountability, particularly significant for long-term projects
  • In this case, you hire people who are looking for long-term employment
  • There’s better control over tasks and time
  • No information needs to be shared with an outsider

Cons of in-house recruitment:

  • It costs much more to enlist an in-house IT team, particularly for startups and small companies
  • You just gain access to a specific skill, except if you have a big team of talents
  • You’ll need to put more in infrastructure
  • You’ll need to put the in-house group trained and up-to-date with the latest technology cybersecurity in cloud computing

Hire Freelancers

Maybe one of the top reasons why organizations recruit freelancers is that they are more savvy than full-time representatives. At times, the work that should that needs to be done isn’t routine or it may require temporary employees. Thus, freelancers are hired and get paid when the project is completed. There are several staffing agencies such as PeoplActive available in the market that are involved in offering remote talents to the clients. Organizations can get their help to hire cybersecurity professionals freelancers.

Pros of Hiring a freelancer –

  • It’s comparatively cheaper than employing an in-house team as you don’t have to pay benefits
  • You can get competitive rates in a cutthroat market
  • It’s ideally suited for one-time projects or minor updates

Cons of Hiring Freelancer:

  • There’s less responsibility as freelancers are individual contractors
  • There’s more risk of data loss
  • Managing remote cybersecurity professionals can be tiring and may postpone projects

Also Read – DevOps In-House or Outsource: Pros and Cons

Outsourcing Cybersecurity Talents Through IT Companies

Hey! how would it be to have a team ready to go as soon as you decide on a project. Outstaffing or outsourcing is an excellent option if you’ve decided an in-house team is not what you want. This doesn’t mean there’s a limit on the extent of the project. It can be an enormous spending plan or little, short-term, or long-term. In this hiring method, you get reliable Cybersecurity Professionals Your IT Team Needs at a very lower cost.

Pros of Recruiting Cybersecurity Talents through IT Organizations:

  • It bodes well monetarily
  • It’s more reliable as compared to freelancers
  • You get to pick the skill you need
  • You don’t need to stress over the hardware and software needed for the project

Cons of Recruiting Cybersecurity specialists through IT Organizations:

  • You need to invest time to find the best IT outstaffing source
  • Chances are there that the best outstaffing organization might not be in your time zone

How to Hire a Cybersecurity Professional With PeoplActive

You need to work with the best Cybersecurity talent depending on the cloud platform you are operating on AWS cyber security, Azure cyber security, and Google Cloud cyber security to help solve your complex business problems. But it can’t get overwhelming at times searching for the trusted and experienced Azure developers. That’s where PeoplActive comes to play.

PeoplActive is a platform where you can hire the top-tier Cloud Cybersecurity talent: AWS cyber security, Azure cyber security, and Google Cloud cyber security in the world quickly and easily!

At PeoplActive, you will always get:

  • Access to the remote team of top-tier cybersecurity professionals in the world.
  • Choose only the cyber security in cloud computing that meets your business needs best.
  • 100% dedicated team working on your cybersecurity experts need to get it done promptly.
  • Flexible hiring model– hourly or full-time.
  • Hire cybersecurity talent: AWS cyber security, Azure cyber security, and Google Cloud cyber security in less than 48 hours.

Assemble your team of cybersecurity experts as you like from our vetted talent pool and achieve all your goals in quick succession! Rest we assure for Cybersecurity Specialist Your IT Team Needs.

Cyberattacks Are Inevitable. Is Your Company’s Cloud Storage Secure?

Cloud migration is at its peak across the globe as it’s the most advantageous and savvy method of managing big data. As per Gartner, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the overall end-client spending on public cloud administrations is forecast to grow 18.4% in 2021 to add up to $304.9 billion. This quick transition has naturally caught the attention of cybercriminals who are exploiting weaknesses present in cloud-based data to deploy malware. How safe is the cloud storage? In this blog, we will be throwing light on some mindboggling facts & stats on cloud security and how to secure data in cloud computing, and much more.


Cloud Computing Security Challenges

In today’s fast and furious world, data is the king that has helped organizations to provide customized services. Every organization wants its data to be secure and accessible from anywhere in the world. Cloud technology has made this dream come true but also invited a few cloud infrastructure security challenges. To reap cloud benefits, they need to recognize their insecurities and choose the right tools to mitigate them with the help of cloud security experts. Let us have a look at some of the key cloud computing security challenges enterprises have been facing so far.

ALSO READ: A Face-off Between Cybersecurity and Cloud Security

Security Challenge 1: DDOS and Denial of Service Attacks

With time, cloud data operation is maximizing, and therefore cloud information security is turning into a greater target for a cyber attack. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) assaults are more frequent than ever before. A DDoS attack is intended to overpower website servers so they can’t react to authentic client requests. In case a DDoS attack is successful, it inactivates the websites for some hours or even days. This can bring a loss of income, client trust, and brand authority. However, it’s a necessity to complement cloud services with DDoS assurance for cloud infrastructure security.

Security Challenge 2: Insecure Access Control Points

One of the extraordinary advantages of the cloud is that data can be accessed from any place and from any device/system. Imagine a scenario in which the interfaces and especially the application programming interfaces (APIs) clients cooperate with aren’t secure, what can be the repercussions? Hackers can discover and access these sorts of weaknesses and exploit credentials through APIs whenever given a chance. There are many web application firewalls used to analyze HTTP requests to guarantee that they are authentic traffic. Execute them with the help of cloud security experts to shield web applications and APIs from security breaks within the cloud environment that are not on-premises.

Security Challenge 3: Data Breaches

In May 2021, a cyber attack on the largest US fuel pipeline closed the entire 5,500-mile pipeline leading to the shutdown of cross country gas pipeline system. There are many more such stats that emphasise the growing challenges to data security on the cloud.

Generally, IT experts have had incredible command over the organization’s infrastructure and physical hardware (firewalls, and so forth) securing restrictive data. In the cloud (in all situations including private cloud, public cloud, and hybrid cloud circumstances), a portion of those security controls is shared or given to some trusted partner which can build security risk chances. Picking the right vendor, with a solid record of executing strong security measures, is essential to protecting data in the cloud and beating cloud data breach challenges.

Security Challenges 4: Notifications and Alerts

Awareness and proper communication of security threats are very important for cloud computing security. Alarming the attacked websites or application managers when a threat is recognized should be a part of cloud data security. With the help of prompt communication, needful steps can be taken to mitigate the impact of the threats and protecting data in the cloud.

Why Company Needs Data Protection in the Cloud?

Companies are gathering massive data on the cloud ranging from confidential to fairly less critical information. But it’s not a cakewalk journey, a team of cloud cyber security experts is always awake and continuously working to remove any loophole in cloud infrastructure security that may give opportunities for hackers to ruin data. For protecting data in the cloud, they need to be well aware of –

  • Which data do they have and where it’s located?
  • Which data do they need to protect and at what level?
  • Which applications are being accessed and by whom?
  • Which data is exposed, how it’s exposed, and potential risks?
  • How customers are accessing data from their cloud applications?

With the help of all this information, organizations put a steady and automated cloud information assurance offering – that assists them to find, screen, ensure, and secure their applications and data security on the cloud.

Cloud Security Failures and Pitfalls Companies Facing

There have been several prominent cloud security attacks in the past years that have caught the attention of businesses. There are some common failures and pitfalls that have resulted in challenges the data security on the cloud. Therefore, with the help of cloud security engineers and other cloud experts, organizations keep an eye on cloud security – assessing the loopholes they have become prey to. Let us go through some common Loopholes or ignorance –

Ignorance of Emerging Cloud Threats

Companies have disregarded or don’t pay attention to the arising cloud security threats. As the Cloud advances and changes into a refined framework and innovation, so is the cloud security attacks. Hackers are getting stronger with time and have built advanced techniques to exploit any chance to penetrate and take out information. Therefore, it is a necessity for cloud experts to stay updated with the ongoing security threats and possible solutions for data protection in the cloud.

Weak Credentials for Inner Cloud

A data breach in 2015, at The Health Insurer Anthem Inc., affected 80 million of its customers, was due to mishandled user credentials. This organization failed to employ two-factor (multiple authentications) user access controls. After this pathetic incident, organizations have started utilizing multi-factor authentication and also hard-to-crack credentials to ensure data security on the cloud.

Employees of the organization are trusted enough with sensitive data and information. Few of them may have unhindered admittance to all confidential information in the company’s computer systems. Sometimes, unintentionally, they make data modifications leak the data using the access credential, and become victims of cybercrime.

ALSO READ: Unveiling the 5 Essential Pillars of Cloud Security

Big Ways Companies Protecting Data in the Cloud

Data protection in the cloud has become a must for all companies operating in the cloud environment. Organizations like Facebook, Quora, and Orbitz have also faced data breaches, most of the mid-sized or startups go out of business due to cyber attacks. Here are some major guidelines that companies stick to ensure data security on cloud and keep serving their customers in a better way.

Creating BYOD Policies

Many companies follow BYOD policies ie Bring Your Own Device in order to increase productivity and minimize expenditure. Employees of these companies access every data in their personal systems that mean the sensitive data is traveling outside the company’s network. This motto of saving costs can put them in a dangerous situation. With this, they are inviting hackers to corrupt their data.
However, wise are those who prioritize long-term benefits over short-term benefits. Top companies keep records of the kind of information that can be moved out of the organization’s devices with the help of their cloud experts. Simultaneously, policies denoting the degree of trust of a device can be applied. Also, employees are given the choice of aligning the security of their own device used inside the organization else ensures that no delicate information is permitted to be moved on them.

Educating Employees of All Levels

The human factor can be the biggest vulnerability for data protection. Either through ignorance or negligence, employees are responsible for 54% of data breaches as per the survey. It is the first duty of an organization to keep informed its employees on both vertical and horizontal levels about the compliance regulations and internal cybersecurity policies by offering training and clear guidelines regarding cloud infrastructure security. Also, hire cloud talents that are enough experienced to handle the kind of data your company deals with.

Use of Encryption Across the Board

Everything should be encrypted, from hard drives, USBs, and telephones to data that is being transferred on the cloud or portable devices. Encryption has become a fundamental advanced way to ensure an organization’s data protection in the cloud. Encryption handles two general data protection in the present worldwide economy: a labor force consistently moving and the revolution of remote work. With systems and devices often leaving the security of organizations, encryption guarantees that, if there should arise an occurrence of misfortune, the confidential data stored in them are difficult to reach.

With time, Cloud computing security issues becoming stronger and difficult to overcome. By choosing the right cloud service provider, better policies, and technology, an enterprise can reap the amazing benefits of cloud technology. Here, the role of your employees is also counted. Therefore, hire cloud security experts that are highly skilled and are well aware of the data and cloud infrastructure security your company deals with. PeoplActive is a global cloud staffing agency engaged in delivering remote cloud talents to employers. Also, it ensures hiring within 48 hours of the client’s talent requisition.

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