April 2022 Edition

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Gartner says the talent
shortage is the main adoption
risk factor for the majority of IT
automation technologies (75%)
such as the Cloud and nearly
half of digital workplace
technologies (41%).

Further it sites lack of talent
availability (64%) ahead of
implementation cost (29%) or
security risk (7%).

Resilience, Infrastructure
security and improving critical
IT infrastructure were top
priorities among I&O and other
IT leaders in 2021.

It was almost unanimous
amongst decision-makers
that certified candidates
bring added value above
and beyond the cost of
hiring them.

to ease your technology

Check them out!

Contract Staffing Services for
Your Cloud Infrastructure

Overstaffed or understaffed,
lead to an unhappy workforce,
and as a result? Unsatisfied
customers. Solution?

Kubernetes Vs Docker: Pick Your
Best Container Solution

65% of tech pioneers will go to 3rd party platforms for container management rather than depending on internal expertise. Is it worth it?

Power Talent
for Power Brands

Straight from Founder’s Desk

“There's no shortage of ways to hire developers today, from talent marketplaces to agencies and beyond. But for power brands that have partnered with PeoplActive what matters most is having a solution that they can confidently scale with for the long-term.

They don't need short-term 'hired guns' or engineers they'll have to replace in a few months. They want to focus on building their product, not sitting in interviews or scrambling to replace people”.

Impeccable talent and incredible skills
are just a call away!

Connect with us at +1 213-344-2600 or
write to us at info@peapleactive.com

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